Installing and Setting Up Jupyter Notebook on Macbook
Here are the steps you need to follow in order to set up Jupyter Notebook on your Macbook:
- Go to the Anaconda website and download the installer package for Mac OS:
- After the download completes, run the installer and follow the steps in order to install Anaconda on your machine.
- Now open your terminal and try to run the command:
jupyter notebook
You will get an error saying:
- jupyter : command not found
This is because you need to add the anaconda path to your bash profile.
- jupyter : command not found
- Open the bash profile using the command:
vi .bash_profile
- The file must be having content similar to:
added by Anaconda3 5.2.0 installer
export PATH=”/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
- Change it to:
added by Anaconda3 5.2.0 installer
export PATH=”$PATH:/anaconda3/bin”
- Restart your terminal
- Try running the jupyter notebook again:
jupyter notebook
- The server should run on localhost:8888.
Written on July 21, 2018